City Ordinances
Ord 111- Firearm discharge in city limits
Ord 117- Number of residents per water meter
Ord 119-Numbering of buildings
Ord 153- Procedures extension of water lines
Ord 155- Repairing any broken or defective sewer lines
Ord 156- Prohibiting the discharge of lime, limestone into the sewer system
Ord 157- Subdivision regulations
Ord 170- Standards for water wells
Ord 194-Subdivision Regulations (amends Ord 157)
Ord 207- Public and Semi public swimming pools and spas
Ord 233- Use of community building
Ord 236- Defacing water and utility meters
Ord 241- Sanitation and pollution regulations around public water supply
Ord 250- Subdividion ordinance (amends 157)
Ord 256- AD Valorem Tax Freeze for disabled and 65+
Ord 257- Unsafe buildings – dilapidated buildings
ORD 259 -Planning and Zoning Regulations part 1
ORD 259, Planning and Zoning Regulations, Part 2
Ord 260- Objectionable and Unsightly matter in properties – High Grass
Ord 261- Water and Sanitary Sewer impact fees
Ord 275- Minor plats (amends Ord 157)
Ord 281- Cell phones in school zone
Ord 282-Temporay Signs (amends 259)
Ord 305 – Animal Regulations (amend 294)
Ord 312- impact fees (amending 261)
Ord 317 – Golf Cart Regulations (amended by Ord. 373)
Ord 332 – Food Service Establishments
Ord 338 (amends Ord. 259, Section 15, C-3 zoning)
Ord 345 – 2017 Drought Contingency Plan
Wireless Services Design Manual
Ord 347 – parking of commercial vehicles
Ord 348 – Capital Improvements (amends Ord 261)
Ordinance 354 – sex offenders residency
Ordinance 355 – alcohol regulations
Ordinance 357 – solid waste pickup
Ord. 363 – Certificate of Occupancy when Occupancy Changes
Ord. 369 – Building Permit Fees
Ord. 372 – Peddler, Solicitor, Itinerant Vendor
Ord. 373 – Registration Fee for Golf Carts (amends Ord. 317)
Ord 376 – Bulk Water Rates and Fire Hydrant Meter Rental
Ord 379 – amending Ord 259, barriers around pools
Ord. 380 – Regulations of Cargo Containers
Ord 383 – Speed Zones near High School
Ord 384 – Speed Zone near Elementary-Middle School
Ord 387 – Culvert regulations and permits
Ord 388 – Fence regulations and permits
Ord. 392- Cargo Containers (amends Ord. 380)
Ord. 393 – mobile food trucks (amends Ord. 381)
Ord 2020-398 -ad valorem taxes 2020-2021 Fiscal Year
Ord 2020-402 Regulating ATV’s on City Streets
Ord 2020-403 -Regulating Loud Noise in the City Limits
Ord 2020-404 Amends Ord 381. Mobile Food Units
Ord 2021-406 – Development Inspection Fees (amend Ord 371)
Ord 2021-408 – classic storage site plan
Ord 2021-409 – 2020-2021 Budget Adjustments
Ord 2022-414 Ordering General Election
Ord 2022-415 – High Grass, Stagnant Water, Junk
Ord 2022-416 Water Conservation-Drought Contingency
Ord 2022-417 revised budget 2021-2022
Ord 2022-419 -Budget 2022-2023 Fiscal Year
Ord 2022-422, Oak Knolls Assessment
Ord 2022-423, Oak Knolls Assessment plan
Ord 2023-424 Annexing 41.624 Acres
Ord 2023-425 Authorization to Issue Bonds
Ord 2023-427 – Ordering General-Special Election
Ord 2023-428. Updated CIP and Impact Fees (Updated Capital Improvement Plan available for review at City Hall)
Ord 2023-429, Amending 2022-2023 Budget
Ord 2023-430 Fee Schedule for City Services (amended by Ord 2024-439)
Ord 2023-431 Budget 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
Ord 2023-432 Tax Rate 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
Ord 2023-433 Annexation 402 acres
Ord 2023-434, Tioga 402 Planned Development
Ord 2023-436, Flood Damage Prevention
Ord 2024-437, Ordering May 4 2024 general and special election
Ord 2024-438- Adjusting 2023-2024 Budget
Ord 2024-439- City Fee Schedule 2024-2025 FY
Ord 2024-440 Budget 2024-2025 FY
Ord 2024-441 Tax Levy 2024-2025 FY
Ord 2024-442, annex 13.959 acres
Ord 2024-443, annex 96.133 acres
Ord 2024-444, Portable Storage Unit Regulations
Ord 2024-445, Political Signs on City Property
Ord 2024-446 Tioga Meadows Planned Development, Ord 2024-446, legal descriptions, Ord 2024-446, development standards